If I may comment here.
The entire community of the Catholic church is guilty of the sins of the Catholic church.  Through gullibility and subservience with no forethought or knowledge, through acceptance of ludicrous doctrine and degenerate priestly behavior they make themselves guilty.  As far as sheep go, I personally like sheep.  As far respecting or forgiving the body Catholic for it's millennia of terror, obfuscation, thievery and abuse of power I think not.
They are one of the worst offenders as they turned their pseudo religious/political entity into one of the worlds leading financial powers at the expense of hundreds of millions of peoples sufferings.  

In a message dated 5/17/02 11:09:15 PM !!!First Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

When a person posts a piece without any commentary, it is assumed the poster
agrees with the post. Birds of a feather and all that.  You posted it and sent it to the
list, so my comments were to you.

If the writer of the piece has a point, it is defintely surrounded by many lines of
slander against a group of people who have nothing to do with the scandals of
specific individuals involved with the Church.

The coverups among the Catholic Church hierarchy are dispicable behavior.  This
does not excuse slandering the entire community.

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