
> >Interestingly enough, Daniel Pearl's wife said that he was sympathetic to
> >the Palestinean people and was concerned about the marginalization of
> >Muslims.
> Interestingly enough, so was I until about seven months ago.  Strange how
> my "turn" came about.

Yes, based upon visceral qualities.

Doubtless!  :-)

 I'm sure you hate the people who killed
Daniel Pearl because of ... well ... those same people tore down the Twin
Towers. Right?

Approximately:  the emotion is more like repulsion, or the rudiments of hatred.  But yes, "the same people," while being a strictly arbitrary phrase, applies to some degree.  We'll refer to this mind set by yet another one of two potential arbitrary phrases: "Islamic Extremism" or "religious extremism."  In any case, I do not hate them per se.  I definitely DO find them repulsive.


What are you doing theorizing on what the media already told you?

There's a difference between the visceral and the intellectual.  While, on occasion, my heart boils with rage against "Islamic extremists,"  I remain aware that the truth and/or facts are not always as they seem or are reported to be.

> >I disagree that she is "less than attractive" ... but I digress. Anyway,
> >I can add is - nuke over a billion people based on their religion?
> More like based on their actions and threat to the world community at
> large, but yes, it's better to lose one billion than six or seven billion.

Ain't gonna happen that way, sorry. A billion goes, we all go.

Obviously.  I present the possibility because I believe that is what we are being led to accept.

 I put a
dollar on it.

Cheapskate :-)  I'd put at least a hundred on it.

> >  Round up
> >all the Muslims here in the US and execute them?
> Again, that depends on their actions.

Is this reparations?

Retaliation would be a better guess.

> >  Makes the Holocaust look
> >miniscule ... and we would *surely* be nuked back.
> Also depends--on how quick and massive the initial attack.  I wouldn't be
> at all surprised to hear of top secret meetings between the leaders of the
> world's major players about "cutting losses now while we still have a
> in which to live."  Conceivably, a nuclear strike against X segment of the
> world's population might be a joint effort to "kill the cancer before it
> spreads."

Yeah, and they're all Muslim, right? Four centuries ago, it was not they.

It's their turn at the stump.  One century, it's white Europeans; another it's the blacks; another it's the Jews, etc. etc.

> >  It would pretty much be
> >the end of all of us, or most of us. Of course, India and Pakistan may
> >care of that without us lobbing the first nuclear warhead.
> Agreed.
> >  Pakistan has
> >first strike perogative according to their policy, but India has a lot
> >warheads, according to Jane's.
> What was the last US "intelligence" estimate; 12 million give or take?

What is the "intelligence" of holocaust - yours or theirs?

I do not propose a holocaust.  I propose that we are being LED to a holocaust.

Edward   ><+>

UFOs exist.   It's the Air Force that's only in science fiction."~GB+

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