-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Our power to change the world
The tragedy of September 11 has also presented a great opportunity
George W Bush
Wednesday September 11 2002
The Guardian

The September 11 attacks moved Americans to grief and horror - and moved our nation to 
war. They revealed the cruelty of our enemies, clarified grave threats to our country 
and demonstrated the character of our people. At a moment of great testing, the spirit 
of men and women in New York City, at the Pentagon and aboard Flight 93 became the 
spirit of our country.

The terrible illumination of these events has also brought new clarity to America's 
role in the world. In great tragedy, we have also seen great opportunities. We must 
have the wisdom and courage to seize them.

America's greatest opportunity is to create a balance of world power that favours 
human freedom. We will use our position of unparalleled strength and influence to 
build an atmosphere of international order and openness in which progress and liberty 
can flourish in many nations. A peaceful world of growing freedom serves American 
long-term interests, reflects enduring American ideals and unites America's allies. We 
defend this peace by opposing and preventing violence by terrorists and outlaw 
regimes; we preserve it by building good relations among the world's great powers; and 
we extend it by encouraging free and open societies on every continent.

The defence of peace is a difficult struggle of uncertain duration. America, along 
with our allies, is pursuing terrorist networks in every part of the world to disrupt 
their planning, training and financing. With our allies, we must also confront the 
growing threat of regimes that support terror, seek chemical, biological and nuclear 
weapons, and build ballistic missiles. On this issue, the consequences of inaction 
could be catastrophic.

 A t the same time, we have the best opportunity in generations to build a world where 
great powers cooperate in peace instead of continually prepare for war. The 20th 
century was dominated by a series of destructive national rivalries that left 
graveyards across the earth. Competition between great nations is inevitable, but 
armed conflict is not. September 11 revealed more clearly than ever that the world's 
great powers stand on the same side of a divide - united by common dangers of 
terrorism, and moving toward common values.

The US, Japan and our Pacific friends, our Nato allies and now all of Europe share a 
deep commitment to human freedom. Russia is now a nation in hopeful transition, a 
country reaching for a better future based on democracy and the free market and an 
important partner in the war on terror. Chinese leaders are discovering that economic 
freedom is the only source of national wealth. In time, they will find that social and 
political freedom is the only source of national greatness. America will continue to 
encourage the advancement of democracy and economic openness in both Russia and China 
because these shared commitments bring true friendship and peace.

Common interests and values among the great powers are also the basis for promoting 
peace and security around the globe. In the past, great-power rivals took sides in 
regional problems, making divisions deeper. Today, from the Middle East to south Asia, 
we are gathering broad international coalitions to increase the pressure for peace. 
America needs partners to preserve the peace, and we will work with every nation that 
shares this noble goal.

As we preserve the peace, America also has an opportunity to extend the benefits of 
freedom and progress to nations that lack them. We seek a just peace where repression, 
resentment and poverty are replaced with the hope of democracy, development, free 
markets and free trade.

More than ever, we know that weak states, like   Afghanistan, can pose a great danger 
to the peace of the world. Poverty does not transform poor people into terrorists and 
murderers. Yet poverty, corruption and repression are a toxic combination, leading to 
weak governments that are unable to enforce order or patrol their borders and are 
vulnerable to terrorist networks and drug cartels.

America is confronting global poverty. Free trade and free markets have proved their 
ability to lift whole societies out of poverty - so the US is working with the entire 
global trading community to build a world that trades in freedom and therefore grows 
in prosperity. The US will deliver greater development assistance to poor nations that 
govern justly, invest in their people and encourage economic freedom.

America will also take the side of brave men and women who advocate human rights and 
democratic values, from Africa to Latin America, Asia and the Islamic world. In our 
diplomatic efforts, development aid, international   broadcasting and educational 
assistance, the US will promote moderation, tolerance and the non-negotiable demands 
of human dignity - the rule of law, limits on the power of the state, and respect for 
women, private property, free speech and equal justice.

Terrorism has not only challenged the world, it has clarified some fundamental values. 
Every nation now faces a choice between lawful change and chaotic violence; between 
joyless conformity and an open, creative society; and between the celebration of death 
in suicide and murder and the defence of life and its dignity.

Many governments are being forced to re-examine their own tolerance for fanaticism and 
their sponsor ship of hateful propaganda. Even free nations have been forced to 
re-examine the nature of their commitment to freedom.

America is responding decisively to the challenges of our changed world. We are 
committed to defending our society. We believe that freedom and respect for human 
rights are owed to every human being, in every culture. We believe that the deliberate 
murder of innocent civilians and the oppression of women are everywhere and always 
wrong. And we refuse to appease the aggression and brutality of evil men.

Throughout history, freedom has been threatened by war and terror; it has been 
challenged by the clashing wills of powerful states and the designs of tyrants; and it 
has been tested by poverty and disease. What has changed since September 11 is our 
nation's appreciation of the urgency of these issues - and the new opportunities we 
have for progress. Today, humanity holds in its hands the opportunity to further 
freedom's triumph over all its age-old foes. The US welcomes its responsibility to 
lead in this great mission.

George W Bush is the 43rd president of the United States

© 2002 The New York Times

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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