-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site and thought you should 
see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site, go 
to http://www.observer.co.uk

'Bullied' opponents stand up to Bush's challenge
Democrats break ranks despite White House's appeal for a united front at home -  and 
abroad, President has to deal with fissures among anti-Saddam Iraqi factions
Jason Vest, Washington
Saturday September 28 2002
The Guardian

It has come slowly. After months of silent acquiesence to President George W. Bush's 
push towards a military conflict with Iraq, Democrats are finally showing signs of an 
appetite for war. But it is a war against the Bush administration for taking 
Democratic support for granted.

Last week as some of the biggest voices in the Democratic Party condemned attempts by 
the Bush administration to turn the planned war into a political issue in the November 
mid-term elections, some were complaining that the Democratic leadership had still not 
gone far enough.

Among them was Congressman Nick Rahall, a Democrat who enthusiastically supported the 
first Gulf war with Iraq but strongly opposes a new one. He is one of those who does 
not believe the strong comments from his party's leadership would be translated into 
action: putting the brakes on the Congressional resolution being sought by Bush to 
unleash the US military machine against Saddam Hussein.

Mainstream Democratic wisdom, he explains, holds that for Democrats to win the 
mid-term congressional elections in November, they must give a popular President what 
he wants. Then, they argue, Iraq will cease to be an issue, allowing the Democrats to 
start scoring points on domestic matters such as the economy.

'As far as my party saying: "Let's get it out of the way," sure, I'd like to get back 
to issues that are just as important as national security - job security at home, 
economic security, access to prescription drugs, health security, Enron and 
Halliburton,' says the West Virginia congressman, whose grandparents were immigrants 
from Lebanon.

'But I feel there are questions that need to be answered [over Iraq] before we run 
headlong into trying to wipe an issue off the political map, when it means putting 
American men and women in harm's way.' That afternoon in a posh office suite 
overlooking Washington's K Street lobbying corridor, an echo of sorts could be heard 
from a highly regarded conservative Republican strategist.

'We should be talking about welfare reform and investor tax cuts. The White House has 
the whole focus on starting a new war with Iraq, when the country is at best 
ambivalent. And we haven't even caught the guy we know who did attack us [on 11 
September],' said the strategist, who did not want to be named.

'There is dissent and dissatisfaction in Republican circles about all of this but 
everyone's afraid of Bush's high personal approval ratings, and the Democrats are 
afraid of being tagged anti-American, even though their views complement those of some 

His comments are part of a startling change of mood on Capitol Hill. Two weeks ago 
Bush staffers were confident they would have no problem securing a resolution 
approving action against Iraq.

Now those efforts have become 'bogged down' in Congress, following a week of 
accusations from senior Democrats that the President is turning the issue of support 
for a war into a political issue to garner electoral support for November and distract 
attention from domestic issues, particularly the economy.

Democrats are still angry over accusations by Bush and his closest aides last week 
that the Democrat-led Senate was not interested in 'national security'. Amid a raft of 
depressing economic news, including figures showing poverty rising in the US for the 
first time since 1990, some Republicans too are wondering whether the President and 
his team are putting their party in peril by taking their eyes off the domestic agenda 
to push for war.

With control of the House and Senate at stake, however, both parties are trying to 
present unified fronts, confidently asserting that theirs is the finger on the true 
pulse of the electorate. In reality, though, neither is quite sure what will play more 
strongly with voters: national security or their personal finances.

And it is the Democratic party that finds itself more visibly divided: generally on 
the issue of war with Iraq, and specifically over the issue of a Congressional 
resolution that would give Bush authority to loose the American war machine on Saddam 
Hussein. After months of relative quiet on the issue, Democrats are suddenly getting 

Among the most prominent to break ranks was former Vice President Al Gore, who still 
harbours presidential ambitions. Despite a withering rebuke to Bush last week over his 
policy on Iraq, Gore's speech was received by Democratic legislators with lukewarm 

Instead it was left to the normally low-key Senate majority leader Tom Daschle to 
deliver the official Democratic riposte to what they claim is Bush's bullying, giving 
the cue to other leading Democrats - including Senators Sarbanes, Byrd, Feingold and 
Ted Kennedy, as well as Representative Richard Gephardt - to speak out against the 
President as never before, signalling that the limits of post-11 September consensus 
have finally been reached.

And while many expect the Democrats will still eventually vote on some kind of 
resolution, the episode seems to have at least enabled them to slow the process down 
and define it more to their liking.

Most intriguing about the internal Democratic debate is the degree to which each 
faction in the party believes it understands best the present feelings of the 
electorate, yet remains unable to quantify fully its position. It is this that is 
driving the quiet but contentious debate about the party's leadership in a time of 

To conservative Democrats, it has seemed nothing short of a moral and political 
imperative that Congress should effectively rubber stamp whatever the President puts 
in front of it. To do otherwise, they argue, would be perceived as unpatriotic. They 
point to positive polling figures favouring America's forcible removal of Saddam.

At the other extreme are liberals who look with great scepticism on Iraq as a clear 
and present danger to American national security, or as an adjunct to the al-Qaeda 
terrorists. They note how opinion poll support for an American effort to oust Saddam 
rapidly plummets when respondents are asked how they feel about war with Iraq without 
allies and with high American casualties.

It is this group which has been arguing for making Iraq an issue in the campaign, by 
calling the administration to account for planning what it believes is a jingoistic, 
politically opportunist war that would actually undermine American security and ideals.

In the centre sit such figures as Daschle and Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed 
Services Committee, who will oblige the President with a resolution sooner rather than 
later, but not give him the free hand he wants.

They point to opinion polls showing respectable levels of public support for ousting 
Saddam with allies and United Nations backing, and see the administration's approach 
as something to be managed, rather than fought.

Finally, there are the Democratic consultants and strategists pushing for a quick 
resolution as politically expedient. They believe that once an appearance of national 
unity is established in Congress, the Democrats can largely forget about Iraq and 
fight the rest of the election campaign on the economy and corporate skullduggery.

On the surface there are no such divisions among Republicans, who appear to be 
overwhelmingly enthusiastic about the President's line. Privately, however, a growing 
number of conservatives are gravely concerned about the White House's zeal for making 

Republican leaders such as Dick Armey expressed concern about Iraq earlier this year, 
but since then such sentiments have been publicly muted. According to a number of 
Republican strategists, this belies the reality that many are privately frustrated by 
the administration's lack of focus on economic issues and its obsession with a 
possible war they consider antithetical to conservative principles.

'There are a lot of conservatives who are appalled at how the White House keeps giving 
John Ashcroft [the Attorney General] more power for the government to intrude 
into citizens' lives in the name of "national security" and how Ashcroft is taking 
it,' says one prominent conservative activist.

'There are many who see the negative impact talk of war and alienating allies is 
having on the economy, and are not excited about a return to deficit spending [to 
fund a conflict], which is where we seem to be headed.

'There is concern for a lot of aspects of "the war on terrorism" and war with Iraq on 
both the Left and the Right, a lot of it legitimate. Yet almost every elected official 
believes that to give voice to it would be to commit political suicide.'

This view is shared by some Democratic pollsters, who are deeply sceptical about how 
the war issue will resonate in key House and Senate races in, for example, the Midwest.

'A lot of those are really individual contests about candidate versus candidate and 
their relationships to their constituencies. They aren't going to put how they vote, 
or would vote on the [Iraq] resolution, at the top of their lists,' says one 
prominent Democratic pollster, Mark Mellman.

According to David Winston, one of Mellman's Republican counterparts, while voters are 
clearly engaged in a national debate on the planned war and the international issues 
it raises, they are not looking to the ballot box in November as the way to resolve it.

Congressman Rahall says he has been demoralised to hear Republicans share their 
dissatisfaction with Bush's focus on Iraq. 'I've had a number of conservative members 
privately tell me they are not happy,' he says. 'There are solidly conservative 
principles on which to oppose this: that unilateral, pre-emptive action is not in 
keeping with rule of law; that getting bogged down in another nation' s affairs 
through nation-building on such a large scale as Iraq will require is another; and 
deficit spending to finance these efforts is another.

'And when I ask why they don't champion these principles, they either say, "The 
President is coming to my district for a fundraiser," "I like George W. Bush 
personally," or "The White House has browbeaten us so much on this".'

Conservative sources, however, say that for leading members of the administration with 
misgivings about the Bush war plan, the issue is simpler. They are too frightened by 
'over-the-top White House bullying'.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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