
Recently I upgraded my Linux system from Fedora 7 to Fedora 10. One of the
changes which annoyed me was that suddenly, full-screen-mode mplayer
(mplayer -fs) no longer worked, and just showed a small window as usual.
I looked at all the "usual suspects" (nvidia driver, xorg, XVideo extension,
etc.) but none of those seemed to be broken.

Finally, I found the real problem: full-screen mode in recent versions of
mplayer does not work on ctwm (3.8a) :(

If you also have this problem, the following option will miraculously
bring back full-screen mode to work:

        mplayer -fstype=none -fs ...

Apparently, when a recent version of mplayer tries to draw to the full screen,
instead of just doing the "obvious" thing (opening a new override-redirect
window the size of the whole screen), it attempts to be smart and communicate
with the window manager the fact that it tries to open a full-screen window,
and does so with a long list of bizarre (non-ICCCM) techniques (see mplayer
manual, "-fstype" section). Apparantly these techniques either don't work on
ctwm, or work badly. I don't know if it's mplayer's or ctwm's fault (I didn't
try to debug the problem).

I'll also send a bug report to the mplayer folks, but I thought that I can't
be the only one on this list who faced this problem, so it might be helpful
that I also mention the workaround here.


Nadav Har'El                        |      Tuesday, Jan  6 2009, 10 Tevet 5769
n...@math.technion.ac.il             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Tea or coffee? Coffee, without cream. It
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |will be without milk, we have no cream.

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