More info about moving on:

I have succesfully replaced ctwm on my home machine with a combination of 
OpenBox and BBPager
(at work I still use ctwm but I think that's about to change, too many bugs, 
it's getting annoying).
OpenBox is simpler, but has all the features I had been using in Ctwm, even the 
ones I hacked in (i.e. SaveWorkspaceFocus), and none of the bugs, a lean XML 
configuration file, and straightforward behavior made the transition possible 
(I'm very difficult and intolerant of cr*p configuration and dependencies-- 
openbox has neither).

This email is mostly for what follows: for the others who have made the switch, 
if you're missing the workspacemgr, you can use "bbpager" along with the 
following script to toggle it:


# Toggle a pager process running.

PAGEROPTS="-config $CONF/common/etc/openbox/blackboxrc"

if pgrep -x $PAGER >/dev/null ; then
    pkill -x $PAGER >/dev/null
    $PAGER $PAGEROPTS >/dev/null &

In my openbox.xml config file, I bind Super-Tab to it:

    <keybind key="W-Tab">
       <action name="Execute">

It's a bit of a hack, but it works well (apart from the occasional lag to start 
it), and behaves like what I had under ctwm, i.e., when I press Super-Tab, I 
get a large workspacemgr to move my windows to any desktop I like. I pressed 
again to hide it.  Note that you may want to set the geometry of the pager in 

I'm going to try to live with it for a while longer (it's not my first attempt 
at switching away, ctwm is like an old girlfriend that just keeps coming back), 
but after a month already it feels like home.


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