Daniel Vogelbacher wrote

> It seems that ctwm is currently a little bit unmaintained.
> I'm using it about 2 years, and for me it's working great. Because I
> want to use it in the next years, too, I have decided to make my own
> git repository - looking forward to maintain a usable version of ctwm.
> Any patches which should be applied are welcome, maybe we
> get a 3.9 release :-)

Nice to see that ctwm is not that dead ;-) With every new distro I'm afraid
it could have stopped working.

Btw, is anyone else having the problem that more and more windows open
in the background? This happens to me for many windows that are opened from
a running application, e.g. print or file dialogs or warning "The file 
already exists, Overwrite?" They all pop up behind everything else, for
some applications always, for others only from time to time.

It started a while ago, I think when switching from SuSE 9.x to 10.x,
i.e. replacing X11R6 by xorg.

I kind of solve this by using AlwaysOnTop for windows with names like
"Save as", "Print" etc.

This is the only thing that doesn't work well with ctwm at the moment.

Dipl.-Inform. Frank Steiner   Web:  http://www.bio.ifi.lmu.de/~steiner/
Lehrstuhl f. Bioinformatik    Mail: http://www.bio.ifi.lmu.de/~steiner/m/
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