The act of telling our stories brings us together with our audience,
whomever it may be – family, friends, support group, prayer group,
therapist, etc.  When they react to our story we know they are
listening and caring.  We are also forming a community with them and
their reaction tells us our place in this community and binds us
together.  Thus it is important for health and healing.

It seems to me that telling our stories gives us some control over our
own story, plus being healing.  By putting it ‘out there,’ it gives a
sense of relief, that we aren’t the only ones with problems, and
perhaps there is help of some form available, whether it be spiritual,
or physical.

I spent some time today with a close friend visiting from out of
town.  She loves to write and was telling me of one of her latest
projects.  Dori, my friend, was badly injured in a skiing accident as
a young woman and spent a year in a body cast.  She was told that she
might never walk again.  After spending some time feeling sorry for
herself, she decided not to listen to the naysayers and eventually
recuperated.  She feels that writing about it is not only healing for
her, but might be inspirational for others going through a bad time.
She belongs to a writing group and had discussed the project with
them.  One person felt she should just put it behind her, forget it
and go on with her life.   I believe she is correct and should follow
her instincts, because I was honored that she had shared her feelings
about her experience when she had first told me about it a few years
ago, and it was difficult for her to relate it.  And she has gone on
with her life.  As she was discussing this, it brought me out of my
own health issues and gave me a bit of inspiration.

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