On 6/22/21 9:14 PM, Mike Hamburg wrote:
Hi Trevor,

I think it’s elligator squared, yeah.  In the ROM, you can probably replace the 
first component with the hash of a smaller number of random bytes.  I’m not 
sure on the statistics there in general, but if the point you’re hashing is 
random then as few as 2 bytes might suffice (needs proof though).

I’m wary of xoring with the hash of the password.  I don’t see an obvious 
attack on it, but I suspect that to prove security of EKE you need an ideal 
cipher, not just xor.  If you expand the first component of elligator squared 
from a hash, then by hashing the password into that, you should get one of the 
PAK variants.  Of course, you’d again have to prove that it’s not only a secure 
PAKE, but also indistinguishable from random.

I was recommended Elligator 2 rather than Elligator^2 (very unfortunate naming) when I played with EKE a few years ago, so it may be worth checking out both.

You probably want a PRP (or key-wide block cipher) to avoid scenarios where flipping individual bits lead to weird corner cases. At the very least an attacker could structure their key such that e.g. two guesses would decode to related keys, which weakens the properties of your EKE PAKE ever so slightly (no longer one guess per interaction).

The encrypted public key acts as a commitment; if you can pre-compute/structure your inputs such that your commitment is ambiguous you can gain a speedup over the idealized algorithm in the EKE construction. Note that this might already be the case with the various Elligator schemes, but intuitively it feels like XOR yields the best possible conditions for such an attack; wide-block encryption with a shared random salt makes that harder.

Even 2x EBC mode would probably be better than XOR if you are worried about implementation complexity of the wide-block cipher.

Also note that most (if not all) EKE instantiations are slightly broken; I looked at the hostapd implementation of the WPA-EKE scheme in late 2016, and at the time it was pretty trivial to partition the keyspace by looking for DH keys > p to rule out passphrases in an offline attack, but I don't know if it has improved since then. Each attempted handshake would yield another distinguisher from the router, allowing offline bruteforce after collecting a bunch of those.

In OBFS (a steganographic tool for Tor bridge connections) they used a scheme called UniformDH (Ian Goldberg?) that somewhat closed the gap for distinguishers with classic DH, but not completely IIRC. I don't think that was ever incorporated in the WPA specs. Elligator also has a few corner cases like that, but in practice it should be less of a problem (statistically speaking).

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