On 6/24/21 1:30 AM, Joe wrote:
You probably want a PRP (or key-wide block cipher) to avoid scenarios where flipping individual bits lead to weird corner cases. At the very least an attacker could structure their key such that e.g. two guesses would decode to related keys, which weakens the properties of your EKE PAKE ever so slightly (no longer one guess per interaction).

Sorry, I was tired and mixing up threat models.

With XOR the biggest problem as I see it is MITM with deterministic bit flipping, where targeting related keys could lead to a key confirmation attack (if Alice & Bob pair successfully with a bit-flipped key, you know your bitflip resulted in a related key). I'm not sure how practical that is, you or Mike are probably better situated to answer that.

The precomputation stuff is a separate issue that is relevant for encoding schemes like UniformDH and Elligator/Elligator2/Elligator^2 where several encodings lead to the same or related keys upon decoding.

It looks like Mike was a co-author of the Elligator 1+2 paper [1], so perhaps he can comment regarding which algorithm seems most relevant.

Elligator Squared [2] was written by Mehdi Tibouchi.

Binary Elligator Squared [3] is yet another paper, I haven't looked into this one.

Loup Vaillant has an implementation of Elligator 2 in the "Monocypher" library [4], it's the only maintained implementation I've seen.

[1] https://elligator.cr.yp.to/papers.html
[2] https://ifca.ai/pub/fc14/paper_25.pdf
[3] https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/486.pdf
[4] https://github.com/LoupVaillant/Monocypher
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