Well, this area of the serialization should have no JDK differences.   
Not sure what would cause it.  

That said, some hints:

Is it our normal JAX-WS + JAXB?
Is is wrapped doc/lit and using "wrapper" objects?
    If the answer to both is yes, then it really is completely in the 
JAXB runtime to do the serialization.   The breakpoint you would want 
would be in the JAXBEncoderDecoder marshal method.

If it's RPC/lit, it would be in 

If it's Doc/Lit/Wrapped without the JAX-WS wrapper types, it would be the 
WrappedOutInterceptor (see note about this below)

If it's Doc/Lit/Bare, the BareOutInterceptor, but again probably 
delegates to JAXB/Aegis via the "writeParts" method of the 
AbstractOutDatabindingInterceptor superclass.

One thing I must add though:
Check the CXF version.   Version 2.0 DID output with the 
<Vendor xmlns:ns2="some:namespace">
form.   That was changed for 2.0.1 where the WrappedOutInterceptor was 
updated to always namespace prefix the wrapper element.   2.0.2 is being 
released today (already at the download location, waiting for sites to 
sync before sending the announcment).


On Tuesday 25 September 2007, Bc. Jiří Mikulášek wrote:
> I understand, that's why I am looking for just a hint about the
> architecture - can somebody tell me which CXF class or which another
> library is responsible for serializing the SOAP request. If I find a
> proper point, I can download sources, debug and experiment with it.
> There must be some difference in IBM java for AIX and other system
> which definetely cause my problem. If I will know who is responsible
> for serializing soap request in cxf it will be easy to find which API
> from jdk is called and findout the difference then maybe proivde some
> patch...
> Dne úterý 25 září 2007 23:44 Benson Margulies napsal(a):
> > This is going to be mighty difficult to make any sense of. I, for
> > one, have no access to an environment to repro this in.
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Bc. Jiří Mikulášek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 3:45 PM
> > > To: cxf-user@incubator.apache.org
> > > Subject: Missing prefix in request on IBM
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > >  yet another question regarding WS-client development on IBM.
> > > This issue appears only on IBM java on AIX os. Using IBM java on
> > > another operating system everything works fine.
> > >
> > > There is missing prefix by operation element in SOAP request. We
> > > are using document/literal wrapped binding
> > >
> > > Our request on IBM looks like (without an envelope):
> > >
> > > <soap:Body>
> > >     <Vendor xmlns:ns2="some:namespace">
> > >   ....
> > >     </Vendor>
> > > </soap:Body>
> > >
> > > but should look like (and looks like on windows or linux):
> > >
> > > <soap:Body>
> > >     <ns2:Vendor xmlns:ns2="some:namespace">
> > >   ....
> > >     </ns2:Vendor>
> > > </soap:Body>
> > >
> > > The missing prefix is problem for the service part (not developed
> > > by us and
> > > running on webmethods) and the operation couldn't be called - we
> > > got "Service :Vendor does not exist".
> > >
> > > Please can somebody give me a hint which part of cxf or another
> > > library is responsible for serializing the SOAP request and what
> > > jdk dependent API is used? I must try to findout the primary cause
> > > otherwis this problem cannot be
> > > fixed. Our tests have just proven that the xerces implementation
> > > has no influence.
> > >
> > > Thank you
> > >
> > > Jiri Mikulasek

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194

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