Hmm...    Not really sure.

I suppose you could try something like:

public class MyArg {
   @XmlElement(type = Integer.class, required = false)
   int foo;
   public int getFoo() { // getter}
   public void setFoo(int foo) { // setter}

That might work.   

That said, the Java 5 autoboxing should work and allow the non-primitive 
forms to work.    Even with 

public void setFoo(Integer foo), you should be able to call setFoo(12) or 


On Monday 05 November 2007, Kaleb Walton wrote:
> Pardon me if this has been answered already - couldn't find it
> anywhere in Nabble.
> Is there a way to specify minOccurs for primitive properties with the
> Simple Server? Since many of our consumers use dynamic languages that
> do not have default values for primitives I am forced to use complex
> types for Integers, Longs, Boolean's, etc. for parameters that should
> be optional. This is a problem with many of our developers as they are
> used to using primitive ints, longs and booleans.
> Example:
> public class MyArg {
>   Integer foo;
>   public Integer getFoo() { // getter}
>   public void setFoo(Integer foo) { // setter}
> }
> we would like it to be:
> public class MyArg {
>   int foo;
>   public int getFoo() { // getter}
>   public void setFoo(int foo) { // setter}
> }
> Any options?
> Regards,
> Kaleb

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194

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