On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 11:15 -0800, jas_nabble wrote:
> Hello:
> I'm so far successfully making use of CXF 2.0.3 using JAXB 2.0. However, a
> problem I have to resolve pertains to returning as part of a response,
> existing XML that is already in the for of java.lang.String. This content is
> coming from legacy code accessing database CLOBs. They can be pretty large,
> and they don't change. There are lots of them (~100K). I would rather not
> parse them into an object graph that could be marshaled by JAXB, or cache
> those graphs in memory etc. I did see the email thread "Return direct XML",
> but that seems to involve creating a DOM.

Try looking into the @XmlAnyElement.

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