C y b e r M a c @ E x M a c h i n a ( M a i l i n g   L i s t )
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ce [18/Nov/2001 23:21], John & CC nous offrait sa prose dans "Re:
[CCMC] Définition_"apparier"_"

> >>À propos de lumiére, c'est quoi "appariée" ?
> Salut Francis et merci pour cette explication "généraliste" (c'est
> pas
> une injure).
> Je suis tout-à-fait d'accord avec ta définition des paires.
> Mais, en particulier pour la RAM, ne connais-tu pas une explication
> "scientifique" de ce qui caractérise une barrette "appairée" ou
> "appariée"?
> C'est une question de temps d'accès, de synchro bus, ou dû au fait
> que
> l'on travaille en 128bits?
> Ignor'in-why-ram-are-diffrent'John


Parity, Non-Parity and ECC Memory

Most memory modules are available as either non-parity or parity. Some
also are available as dedicated ECC-only modules. Non-parity is
"regular" memory, including one bit of storage for each bit of data.
Parity memory includes one extra bit of storage for every eight bits of
data, used to store information about the data that the system can
later use for error detection or correction. It can be used in parity
or ECC mode. ECC modules are newer and also include extra bits of
information, but can only be used in ECC mode. See this section for a
full description of the differences between these memory forms.

Parity or ECC memory is generally more expensive than non-parity.
Originally, this was because of the extra 12.5% worth of memory chips
needed (one bit for every eight). Now, the increase in cost is more due
to supply and demand issues, since non-parity memory is produced in
much larger quantities. ECC is beginning to become popular again, and
the price differential is shrinking as a result.

Parity memory will usually work in a non-parity system; the extra
parity bits are ignored. However, non-parity memory will not work in a
parity system (unless parity checking is turned off in the BIOS setup
program, and some older systems don't even allow that). If you use non-
parity memory in a parity system, a parity error will be generated as
soon as the system boots up.

-> on voit clairement qu'il ne s'agit aps du tout du même type de

trouvé grâce à:

André Sterpin


ATTENTION Le stress nuit autant a l'esperance de vie que la cigarette.
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