From:   "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Steve - this subject is not as off-topic as some might think, since the
>process of covering our road network with cameras has parallels with
>legislation. As with the latter, people-control by speed camera has a
>history, unstated agendas, and is inimical to liberty. I thought the
firearms legislation had >always been about disarming...

               I understand, from a discussion on a motoring newsgroup some
time ago, that the system known as Traffic Master which is allegedly used to
detect congestion on main roads has cameras which recognise number plates.
Data is sent by radio to a central computer where average speeds betwen
cameras are calculated. This system means that the registration marks and
locations of vehicles on main roads are being broadcast in real time. Big
brother is here.

> I know in the debate in 1920 they started off saying
>it was to stop crime but it ended up being a debate about disarming
>people.  All the Government papers from the period indicate a strong
>desire to generally disarm the people...

          True, but the statute known as the Firearms Act 1920 and is to be
interpreted only by what was actualy said in Parliament. Pepper v. Hart and
the Attourney Generals practice directions again. For example;

"...Hansard records that the intention of Parliament in the Firearms Act
1920 was, "to afford an effective system of control over the possession, use
and carrying of firearms so as far as possible to secure that they do not
come into the hands of criminals or otherwise undesirable persons..." (The
Earl of Onslow in presenting the second reading 27 April 1920.)  He stated
on 29 April that " speaking generally, it must be assumed that the grounds
on which a revolver may be applied for and the application (for a firearm
certificate) may be granted by a chief officer of police is for protection
of the applicants house" i.e. for self-defence...".

Defence of the Realm.

Accusing politiians of deceit is a breach of Parliamentary privelige. They
will be locking you up in the cell below the clock tower if you are not
careful <g>. Commander Kendrick, who spoke up for the constitution in the
1920 debate, was apperently arrested by Special Branch immediately

Mike Burke has discovered that he was subsequehtly made Lord Strabogli (?)
and spoke up again in the debates on the 1934 Act. He mentioned that his
personal choice in PPW's was a full auto pistol BTW.

Regards,  John Hurst.
I think you mean Commander Kenworthy MP<G>.

On first reading in the Commons though one of the Govt. ministers
did respond to him in essence that the purpose of the Bill was
to stop revolutions, rather than crime.


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