Tom Charnock writes:
<< The clever bit is that the Parish had not noticed this was 2 1/2 months
 after the close of the game season, and for sure neither had the Local
 Council.  But all of them now think of the local pheasant shoot as cowboys. 
Well, Tom, that says it all - you live in Dorset, don't you? Profoundly 
rural, Hardy country and all that - and local councillors know b***-all about 
game shooting seasons! This is a problem faced by many of us in the 
countryside, where councils are often top-heavy with urban retirees whose 
ignorance of country matters is matched only by their arrogant indifference 
to them. It's easy to suggest that we should get stuck in and involve 
ourselves ourselves actively in local politics, but the system favours the 
retired and those of independent means - most of us are too busy earning a 
living to become active, conscientious councillors. I had a brief exchange of 
letters with a local (Lib Dem, retired urbanite) county councillor after I 
learned that he had made anti-hunting statements, and I was appalled by his 
snotty, arrogant, bossy, philistine, pig-headed refusal to interest himself 
either in an objective analysis of hunting or in the issues of political 
liberty raised by the anti-fieldsports posturing of his contemptible claque 
of suburban busybodies.

Anthony Harrison

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