>       Perhaps you should pull-off a walk-in.
>       Find out where they are holding their meetings,
> and arrive unannounced to attend one, or several of them.
>       Thing is, if they are holding a 'star chamber' sort
> of meeting, and demand that you leave, then you have the
> ammunition with which to take them all to task.
>       Should not all of their meetings be open and
> attended by all who wish to know what they are discussing?
>       And what excuse could they use to exclude their
> fellow citizens from meetings that will affect them?
>       Who - on that board of individuals - could possibly
> connive to deprive the citizens of the information that is
> conducted in the normal course of business?
> ET
ET, unfortunately the Labour gov't has already changed the law to allow any
council meeting to be behind closed doors, with no minutes released if they
don't feel like it. It also removed the need for the notification of the
times, dates and venues of the meetings.
Who ever said democracy was fair?

On a related line, does anyone else see a parallel with Britain today and
the fascist states of yesteryear? First, increased levels of law. Then,
build a structure where those who apply the laws don't need to live by them,
then insulate these enforcers from the results of their actions, both by
paying them well, leaving them out of harms way, and ensuring there are few
things to impact them. Now start to increase taxes, allow corruption to grow
unchecked, prevent people from speaking out. Next thing you know, you need
more laws, to ban organised protests. A little later, you need to think
about stopping spontaneous protests... All the while the insulated hub of
power is still free from the force of the impact of it's actions.

"Let them run on Leaded" some might say, when told the Unleaded had run dry.
Not our leaders, though.. they don't even need to worry, since they have
someone to drive for them, and London is so well insulated from any
countryside "risk" or trucker "protest" or tax payers "revolt"!

Since the majority of London "City folk", bankers and the like, are earning
in the 50,000 pounds upwards bracket (Starting salary at one firm is 25,000,
rising to 45K after two years. Another starts at 43K. This for graduates at
the age of 23.) it is going to take a hell of a lot to even make them
notice. They have enough money to insulate themselves totally against it.
Sell a litre for 5 quid and they won't bat an eyelid. Getting them to demand
a decrease is just never going to happen.

Having just read (DO!) you will
see that we sent Straw and the other Blair-types a well worded, simple
message, and explained it. Unlike those in the story, however, our lot have
decided to try to prevent anything happening again. Can anyone else see a
bigger powder keg forming? If the central government insists on using
trained troops to deliver fuel, there is no guarantee that the peaceful
protests will remain peaceful for very long. There are a lot of fireworks
and bonfires this time of year, and some may get ideas in these long, dark
nights. Lest we forget, Guy Fawkes failed, but his was not a popular

Nigel, getting increasingly worried about the next few months..

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