From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Gill Marshall-Andrews was invited to speak first. I have
>to admit that she is an accomplished public speaker but,
>as one would have expected, had nothing sensible to add to
>any debate on firearms control. During her 'opening speech'
>Joe Kelly interjected and was able publicly to establish
>that the Gun Control Network represented less than 6
>people. This did not please Mrs. Marshall-Andrews and did
>a lot to discredit her implied claims to represent the
>majority of the population of this country.

Just how long are we going to allow Gill Marshall-Andrews to continue
"representing" anyone other than the six members of Gun Control Network.
Do the Laws of this land allow the people to show their disapproval by
pelting the likes of Gill and her six friends with rotten eggs and

Or, in case some sections of the society regard such acts as a waste of
good food on rotters, is there some other legal way to express our
disapproval publicly and at the same time cause maximum discomfort and
embarrassment to these anti-democratic, feeble minded people?

I am not questioning anyone's freedom of expression, but there is a vast
difference between that and the claim to be representing anyone!

As both the Tory and later Labour governments claimed to be acting in
line with popular opinion, we can certainly accuse them of being taken
in by a "bunch of six"!  Nevertheless, it is unlikely that any future
government will act against the public opinion, so let us change that
opinion!  Only six people - it should be easy.


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