<<On the basis that IG feels free to pass judgement on the character of
members of the shooting fraternity, I feel just as free to state that he is
just a "wind-up artist", bent on provoking hasty and unwise comments by the
use of provocative statements. I cannot understand why subscribers rise to
the bait like ravenous trout and get hooked in the process.>>

Well, you would wouldnt you. This is a constantly recurring one as well,
when someone doesnt like a few unpalatable home truths, this is a convenient
little argument to throw out.

If yopu think anyone has been hooked, then read the posts again. It is
pretty fair to say that all the subscribers here are more than capable of
sticking up for their beliefs. I am pleased, however, with your agreement
that many of the comments are hasty and unwise. An ally at last!

People with convictions joining the met:

I am not aware of the type of convictions that are under consideration. The
generla school of thought in my area is that it is a publicity stunt to tell
the HO how short of manpower the met is. If the offences involve dishonesty
or violence, I do not know of any of my colleagues who would share the same
air. So the answer to your question is, I suppose, I dont know but I dont
think so.
If you or anyone else gets wound up by that or make a hast or unwise
response, pass me my hat and a knife and fork.


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