From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>>  We have at least two subscribers who are in that constituency, either
>>  of you been to see your MP about the ban, chaps?
>>  Steve.
>I can see this as not being a particularly good idea. We
>may have all the best argumants, but after a community
>has had something like this happen to it (and I know that
>sounds very TV "sound bite'ish")  you can't expect people
>from it to judge things in an unbiased way. It's exactly the
>problem we had in the first instance in that you just can't
>argue against someone who has had their child murdered
>by a deramged gunman, it dosen't matter how good your
>argumants are they just aren't going to accept it and to
>be honest it perfectly understandable given the
>Jonathan Laws
>I'm not suggesting that they do organise a protest, I just
>wondered whether their MP was responsive to the argument
>(which I seriously doubt).

        Steve, & Jonathan,

        Let me say this just once, and I won't bother you with
it ever again. Your course of action is yours to take in this affair.

        The frame of mind that you express above is just the
one that the GCN is wanting you to take: you have been effectively
cowed. They have succeeded in their quest to silence you -- forever.
        They want you afraid to face the angry parent. That is what
their fondest wish is. That is their secret weapon: emotionalism.
        If you are to win, you need to be an Admiral Nelson in the
face of the Armada of lies and half-truths.

        If you want to overcome this madness, you have to take
on this trial of fire and face those parents head-on, in whatever
confrontation that may happen. It won't be a pretty sight, but if
you can show those people that their children were in effect
murdered by the laws of your nation and by the attitudes of the
people running the likes of the GCN, then you will have shown them
what the real problem is: incompetence on the part of people who
were supposed to administer a government program with integrity,
and they muffed it supremely, blaming all the innocent firearms
owners in the process, and by people who have illogical and whimsical
        If you can show them that up until the first laws which
governed the possession of firearms in your nation that firearms
related crime was extremely low, and essentially non-existent, that
it is the morass of regulations which have allowed such events to
transpire, then you will have opened their eyes to the truth.
        But you have first to challenge them to know the truth.
        Hiding inside your house and pretending that it will all
go away is not the answer. Confrontation, and exposure of the truth
will upend this GCN apple cart.
        The sooner you get the facts straight, the better.
        Of course, before you go, it would pay to have all of your
facts in order on a pamphlet, and know your arguments by heart.
        You can expect that the opposition WILL be as well prepared
with a pack of lies. To the victor goes the spoils, and the victor does
not back down at all.

        The ball is in your court. Don't let it gather too much moss.

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Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.
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