From:   "Jeff Wood", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve wrote:

"We have at least two subscribers who are in that constituency
(Dunblane/Stirling - JW), either
of you been to see your MP about the ban, chaps?"

Although resident in Dunblane in 1996, I am now in a neighbouring MP's
jurisdiction, so won't be bothering Anne Maguire. However I actually voted
for her, the purpose being to vote out Michael Forsyth, who precipitated the
full-bore ban by threatening to resign if something wasn't done. I should
think this was the course followed by all the shooters in the area, and
given that Stirling was long a marginal seat, there would be no harm in
shooters reminding La Maguire that if they switch their votes again she may
be out next time.

There is a general election coming up in the next year. Prior to the
elections for the Scottish Parliament, I issued an invitation to the
like-minded to join in a plan to affect close votes. After receiving an
enthusiastic response, I promptly fell unpleasantly ill and took no further
part in anything until after the election.

I therefore apologise all those who responded but unless one of the national
organisations have got their rear ends in gear and have set up a US
NRA-style briefing process for shooting voters, we'll have to do it
ourselves. Work-wise I am up against it so am not offering to take an active
part. However if the List can stand another thread I will post the
guidelines I dreamed up before for people to work on and perhaps improve.
Better still, get the UK NRA, SAGBNI, BASC  and other outfits to take up the
scheme, preferably under one roof, and get the process going in good time.

The 1997 general election produced a crop of Labour MPs who never expected
to win, but who want to keep their seats now they are in the Club.
Conversely, their Tory opponents want to win the seats back. There are no
votes in being an Anti, but if shooters can convince candidates there are
votes in being Pro, results may come. There won't be a better time.



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