Jonathan writes,<< If we had a system that issued FAC's, or any  type of 
licence or privilege for that matter, based on the  grounds that you didn't 
like the look of someone then no  one would get them. >>
That's what this comes down to - suggestions that X% of FAC holders are dodgy 
is, ultimately, dangerous prejudice. If people commit crimes they should be 
prosecuted under the law, but not pre-judged. Even though I've met a few 
shooters I didn't much care for, they represent a small proportion of the 
shooting community - a much smaller one than the sizeable portion of the 
general population I don't care for...
And IG writes, <> Well IG (Don't Mention The War! - just kidding...) in 
general I agree with Peter Jackson's position, and those who flinch away from 
suggestions that anyone should have access to firearms should consider the 
situation of less than 100 years ago: when my grandad was a young man pre-WW1 
Englishmen could buy just about whatever guns they wanted, and while gun 
ownership was widespread, gun crime was so scarce as to be almost 
non-existent by today's standards. A different world, you say? It was not a 
golden age of peace and tranquility: there was football hooliganism, violent 
crime, anarchist bombers, Fenian terrorism etc - but citizens were accorded 
greater individual responsibility. Decent people vastly outnumber criminals; 
treating all decent people as potential criminals is a police-state measure; 
agreeing that this or that category of people (I except those convicted of 
violent crime) should "of course" not be allowed to have guns is the sort of 
thin-end-of-the-wedge policy which has led to the present state of 
bureaucratic oppression. I want my 1911 back.
BTW one of the most reckless pieces of gun-handling I've ever seen on the 
range was by a serving police officer...
Anthony Harrison

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