> Picture a British subject walking down the street and witnessing
> a horrible accident.  He rushes over and tries bravely to try
> and free the victim before the car bursts into flame.  A stout
> knife would enable him to cut the seat belt but he has none.

> Another scenario:  the same person is walking with his child
> when a pit bull terrier attacks the tyke.  A bit of pepper
> spray or a knife could enable him to remove the dog from the
> child's throat before the jugular is severed.  Pity - he has
> none.

I can see where you are coming from but these aren't 
very good examples. Set belts have little red buttons to 
push to release them and I doubt very much that a Knife 
or a pepper spray wil have a very swift effect on a Pit Bull. 
Besides which you can carry a knife here as long as the 
cutting edge dosen't ecceed 3 inches (not  lock Knife 
though). As far as I understand this rule has been taken 
to ridiculous lengths in that in the case of knives with 
blades like those on the Spyder Co ones, it was deemed 
that the "cutting edge" was to be measured not simply 
from hilt to point but rather to include all the extra length 
that you get from the curves on the serrations. So if you 
have one that meausres just under 3 inches from hilt to 
tip then it may actually be over 3 inches  when you 
include all the wavy bits on the blade. I'm sure there is 
case precident for this, or possibly Home Office 
guidence, perhaps others can shead more lighgt on this 

> I use a knife 5-10 times a day for much more (thank god)
> mundane tasks.  A British subject would be prohibited
> from any of these options on the ridiculous premise
> that criminals will respect this and refrain from
> carrying similar weapons.
Only if it's over 3 inches or is a lock knife.

Jonathan Laws.
Or a switchblade or a butterfly knife or a Stanley knife
or anything other than an "ordinary pocket knife".


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