From:   "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For the first time I've actually seen the intended penalties for hunting
when any ban comes into force.
A maximum of a L5,000 fine.

Having noted that its a maximum and that probably a lesser amount may be
levied I wonder how many people the average hunt attracts and how much the
participants and followers would be prepared to stump up as a fee. Much as
those who flouted the old Sunday trading laws used to do in London years
ago. The fine was just a running expense along with rent, rates etc. I can't
see the police having the manpower to attend and prosecute every hunt if
they all continued so any cost would be reduced even further.

One other interesting point was made on a phone in today.
Assume that the ban is now in force and the hunt continues as a drag hunt.
What then happens if the hounds catch the scent of a fox and follow that.
As there was no intent has a crime been committed?

Brian T

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