From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Yesterdays vote in the House of Prats marked a new low for the principle of
>freedom in the no longer Great Britain.

>Our transatlantic cousins got totally fed up with this sort of thing over
>200 years ago, so why are we still suffering at the hands of the same type
>of despots? Can it be time for change? feel free to email me offline with
>your thoughts.

        Steve, & Chris,

        The matter you suffer under is that of unlimited government.
        The people of the US had their chance a long time ago to prevent
the nature of what exists, and merely accepted what is, instead of what
could have been. Heaven knows where we'd be today if a Swiss form of
federation had developed instead of what has evolved. Chances are we
(the American citizens) would not be occupying half of the world in specious
escapades. As an aside, our current situation is the best way to make enemies
of the rest of the world.

        We have what we have now, merely because it is all predicated
on money. Money equals power, and power is the essence of all law.
        With law, you can literally screw everybody on your hate list, and
with money, you can truss them up nicely too.

        Without the money to enforce a law, the law is worthless, and
as you should know from old English law: The law which cannot be enforced
is not a law.
        If you could ever, and I mean EVER manage to extricate yourselves
from your current predicament (not likely anytime soon), the first thing
you must consider is to deny the government the ability to collect taxes.
        Plain and simple, that aspect needs to be up to the people to
decide, and by a super-majority at that. The government that cannot mandate
a tax, is essentially without any power to declare anything, for money is the
fuel that powers the machine, and without fuel, the machine is lifeless.
        That is the secret to a quiet and happy life in the British Isles, as

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