> >Anyone wishing to review these packages can point setup.exe to
> >http://abackus.imagineis.com.
> I'll definitely review these when i get home ... hopefully they will solve
> my xerces-c related problems.
> Gareth - still doesnt understand why hes got xerces-c related problems in
> the first place.

Only looked into binary packages since thats what i was after...  will look
into the rest if i have some time...

Okay well xerces-c-2.1.0-2.tar.bz2 - contains libxerces instead of cygxerces
easy fix there...  The rest 'looks' okay

not so good news is
my application which uses xerces-c stil dies horribly in an fopen call.

I tried to make a reduced testcase - but nope .... it dosnt like me

I 'dont like' the fact that the  libxerces-c dll appears to contain a stack
of cstdio as 'T' when you nm the non-striped version.  Surely that
potentially can play havoc - all the stdio calls need to be handled by
interestingly NONE of these come from the object files which get linked
I am a little worried that g++ --shared is doing silly stuff.

Ofcourse my problem is probably unique - I am special that way...


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