On Sun, 3 Nov 2002, Abraham Backus wrote:

> http://abackus.imagineis.com/xerces-c/xerces-c-2.1.0-2.tar.bz2
> http://abackus.imagineis.com/xerces-c-devel/xerces-c-devel-2.1.0-2.tar.bz2
> http://abackus.imagineis.com/xerces-c-doc/xerces-c-doc-2.1.0-2.tar.bz2
> Anyone wishing to review these packages can point setup.exe to 

You've changed the version number to 2.1.0-2, but this is not correct.
You have to stick to x.y.z-1 until the package is included in the Cygwin
net distro. When this becomes true and at some point you release an
update you will have to change to -2 then -3 and so on.

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