Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

> Guile 1.6.4 is available for upload.
> Btw, I would have a 1.5.0 version for test: available.  However, as
> lilypond [is the only package that] depends on guile, I think it makes
> sense to upload 1.5.0 versions of both packages together.  But
> lilypond also depends on tetex, and tetex is still waiting for tiff
> and XFree.

I'm moving as fast as I can, here...but a warning about tiff.

tiff depends on jpeg. And because jpeg had an ABI change (and DLL name change), that means that tiff must do so as well. [think about it, you'll see why]

So, my next step is to release an official, split, upgrade for tiff that is 1.3.22 compatible. Then, I will release a test version of tiff for 1.5.0. Give me a couple of hours.


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