Charles Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  > lilypond also depends on tetex, and tetex is still waiting for tiff
>  > and XFree.
> I'm moving as fast as I can, here...but a warning about tiff.

You are being fast indeed.  It was not my intention to press you,
sorry if I did.

> tiff depends on jpeg.  And because jpeg had an ABI change (and DLL
> name change), that means that tiff must do so as well.

Yes, tetex has a direct dependency on jpeg too, but you already
released it for 1.5.0, so I didn't mention it.

Now that all dependencies except for Xfree are available for 1.5, I
have to figure out how to build a tetex 1.5.0 release with the current


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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