Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes schrieb:
On Sat, Feb 12, 2005 at 11:56:14PM +0100, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
Reini Urban wrote:
I would like to maintain perl-Win32-GUI, the Win32-platform native graphical user interface toolkit for perl, and I want to take over maintainership for perl-libwin32.
We need a current perl-5.8.6 build.

What about the changes we talk about in PM, are they still needed? Well, just tell me if I need to integrate the patches and release an update of perl *now* or if it may wait for another two weeks?

Keep in mind that 5.8.7 should be out in about 4 weeks.

4 weeks?

I found more minor problems in the pm_to_blib section in the upstream MM hackery (pc files no copied), which I want to fix the right way, so that it can be applied upstream.
Now that they are so responsive.
Affected are modules by Bret Giddings and Tye McQueen.
This might need one week or two.
Reini Urban

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