On Sun, Aug 06, 2006 at 04:25:27PM +0200, Reini Urban wrote:
>Dave & Diane schrieb:
>>I would like to propose a new package, mlcscope for cygwin. I would like
>>to become the maintainer of this package. I have resolved the issues 
>>that Reini raised and am ready for another try...
>>I'm including the setup.hint:
>>$ cat setup.hint
>># comment
>>sdesc: "Lucent version of cscope for multiple languages (mlcscope)"
>>ldesc: "Lucent version of cscope for multiple languages (mlcscope).
>>mlcscope is a source code browser tool allowing developers to simplify
>>searching source code. mlcscope differs from cscope by using
>>separate parsers for C/C++ and Java. mlcscope is developed by
>>Lucent Technologies."
>>requires: cygwin libncurses8
>>category: Devel
>>As far as I am aware, mlcscope is not available in any major Linux
>>I have placed the packages to be reviewed at
>>http://www.lowtechnet.com/cscope :
>[no GTG] There's still no README in CYGWIN-PATCHES and no instructions 
>how to build from src. You have to look into the binary packaged
>/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/mlcscope-14.1.8.README to get a hint.

Please excuse my ignorance but have we gotten the requisite number of
votes for this package?

I'm just mentioning this to set expectations.  I don't want anyone to
assume that a GTG would mean inclusion in the distribution if we haven't
gotten the right number of votes.


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