
I have placed the packages to be reviewed at :

[no GTG] There's still no README in CYGWIN-PATCHES and no instructions how to build from src. You have to look into the binary packaged
/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/mlcscope-14.1.8.README to get a hint.


[good] The binary is now correspondent to cscope, that is does recurse into the given dir to scan for all know sourcefile extensions. Previously you had to prepend this with a find pipe, which was awkward given that it should have known about multiple languages.

I never changed anything in this department. I'm just repackaging mlcscope and applying the patch to change cscope: to mlcscope: in the output. I don't understand why this is working differently for you now.

[minor] There's still the empty homepage dir in the src pkg and also under src/homepage.

Have removed the empty dirs.

[no GTG] Following the build instructions in mlcscope-14.1.8.README:
  From /usr/src unpack mlcscope-X-src.tar.bz2
    if you use setup to install this src package, it will be
     unpacked under /usr/src automatically
  cd /usr/src/mlcscope-X/src
  make build install
$ tar xfj mlcscope-14.1.8-1-src.tar.bz2
$ cd mlcscope-14.1.8-1/src
$ make build
make: *** No rule to make target `build'.  Stop.

That has to fixed into
  cd /usr/src/mlcscope-X
  make build install

Oh stupid me. Fixed.

[minor] We prefer now to have the html docs in


So please fix the README and add it to the src package.

I created a usr/src/mlcscope-14.1.8-1/CYGWIN-PATCHES/mlcscope-14.1.8.README file with the build instructions and some info about what the patch does.

BTW: It still would be much easier to use cygport.
The cscope-15.5-1.cygport file is this:
DESCRIPTION="developer's tool for browsing source code"

cygport cscope-15.5-1.cygport get almostall

I am not trying to package the sourceforge version of cscope. I am packaging the Lucent version of mlcscope. Given the state of the source package from Lucent, I do not think that cygport is sufficent. For example, it can't automatically change the source to output mlcscope as the program name, and delete the cscalls and cscope man pages as you requested.

I tried using cygport on mlcscope:

$ cat mlcscope-14.1.8.cygport
DESCRIPTION="developer's tool for browsing source code"

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/src/newcscope/cygport
$ cygport mlcscope-14.1.8.cygport get almostall
          => `cscope.tar.gz'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/octet-stream]

[ <=> ] 1,492,307 150.22K/s
23:40:41 (137.47 KB/s) - `cscope.tar.gz' saved [1492307]

>>> Preparing mlcscope-14.1.8-mlcscope-mlcscope-14.1.8
*** Info: gnupg must be installed in order to check signatures.
>>> Unpacking source cscope.tar.gz
>>> Mirroring sources
>>> Compiling mlcscope-14.1.8-mlcscope-mlcscope-14.1.8
autoreconf-2.5x: Entering directory `.'
autoreconf-2.5x: `' or `' is required
*** ERROR: autoreconf-2.5x failed
>>> Installing mlcscope-14.1.8-mlcscope-mlcscope-14.1.8
make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
*** ERROR: make install DESTDIR failed
>>> Packaging mlcscope-14.1.8-mlcscope-mlcscope-14.1.8
>>> Creating binary package(s)
tar: *: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
*** ERROR: Binary package creation failed

This is why I creating my own packaging script for mlcscope. For me, creating my own packaging script was easier than repackaging the source so that cygport worked. I'm sure cygport works great for sourceforge cscope, but that is not what I'm porting, and offering to become the maintainer of at this time. Maybe I can take on that challenge at a later date.

I have updated the packages on the website if you could find the time to take another look.



Diane & Dave
Fortune: The difference between America and England is that the
English think 100 miles is a long distance and the Americans
think 100 years is a long time.

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