On 2022-01-18 15:56, Brian Inglis wrote:
On 2022-01-18 14:50, Alois Schlögl wrote:
Am 1/18/22 um 06:32 schrieb Brian Inglis:
On 2022-01-17 14:44, Alois Schlögl wrote:
Am 1/15/22 um 21:44 schrieb Achim Gratz:
Marco Atzeri writes:

add DIFF_EXCLUDES="Makefile" to avoid the artifact

DISTCLEANFILES would be more appropriate it seems.

DISTCLEANFILES is deleted immediately after downloading and unpacking the *UPSTREAM* source:


"A list of files to be deleted immediately upon unpacking sources, relative to $S. This is intended to be used with buildsystem-generated files which are incorrectly included in the source tarball."

I tried this (see attachment), but I'm not sure this is what you meant.

DIFF_EXCLUDES is a list of files generated in $S not automatically excluded from the source package:


"A list of file names, directory names, or glob patterns in $S which will be excluded when creating the .src.patch file. This should be used for files automatically generated in $S to avoid polluting the patch.
Files generated by various buildsystem infrastructures, such as autoconf, automake, gettext, and libtool are already excluded automatically and need not be listed here."

Add to DIFF_EXCLUDES the names of any files you see after the output header:

Creating source patches

Ok, thanks for these clear hints. I've now added these files as suggested. The revised version is attached. Moreover, I've removed (commented) all aspects for building of python-biosig bindings, in order not to delay the inclusion of Biosig in Cygwin.
Is there anything else that need to be considered ?

CATEGORY is a *space* separated list in quotes.

Before SRC_URI and PATCH_URI normally comes:


you don't need to add quotes for nonspaced strings.

You may also test your cygport and any other source patches and files you require by creating and committing them into a local git repo named the same as the package (preferably all lower case) and pushing to the git-cygwin-packages playground repo and branch:

git push --set-upstream ssh://cygwin/git/cygwin-packages/playground.git
playground -f

which will submit the build to the Cygwin GitHub Action CI and print the link for you to monitor the CI job, view the build logs for noarch, x86, and x86_64, and download them.

I just noticed that your description is badly wrapped: to avoid this, run the text through fmt or your editor equivalent (e.g. gvim :set tw=72 then gqq to wrap the lines) and paste between the quotes after DESCRIPTION="...

Forgot to mention BUILD_REQUIRES which lists all the packages and libraries which need installed to build the package(s) using cygport.

From your README for Debian, on Cygwin those packages would probably be:

BUILD_REQUIRES="libtinyxml2-devel octave-devel python-devel"
BUILD_REQUIRES+=" gawk python-numpy python3-numpy R"

and your runtime dependencies should be reported by cygport at the end of the packaging stage as:

>>> biosig requires: cygwin libtinyxml2_6 octave-nan octave-tsa R

If any are missing, you may add them using REQUIRES similar to BUILD_REQUIRES, however specifying all the packages with REQUIRES results in confusing duplication in cygport output and the setup.ini biosig requires: line entry.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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