On 21/01/2023 00:20, Takashi Yano via Cygwin-apps wrote:
On Fri, 20 Jan 2023 16:40:18 -0700
Brian Inglis wrote:
On 2023-01-20 16:22, Takashi Yano via Cygwin-apps wrote:
Do you mean, keep libsndfile1 and delete libsndfile,
or vice versa?

Presumably means to remove libsndfile from PKG_NAMES as it is no longer required
by packaging tools and add:

        libsndfile1_OBSOLETES=libsndfile # no longer required by packaging tools

in libsndfile1 package stanza lines in libsndfile.cygport.

Thanks for the advice!

This is correct.

I have updated the package in:


I've given you the adopted packages: libsndfile, mpg123, opus, opus-tools, opusfile, SDL2. I'll look at the rest later.

I note most of these sources also have mingw-cross packages as well. I don't know what we want to do about those.

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