On 30/03/2023 20:49, Achim Gratz via Cygwin-apps wrote:
Jon Turney via Cygwin-apps writes:
On 26/03/2023 19:12, Jon Turney via Cygwin-apps wrote:
-        usr/lib/gcc/*/lib*|usr/lib/gcc/*/*.o)
+        usr/lib/gcc/*/*.o)
Why this change?

It looks like a mistake that I didn't catch.

+    local nproc=$(nproc)
This limit should probably be taken from the --jobs command line
parameter, if specified

Yes, although one could argue that it should actually oversubscribe
since the CPU load per process is expected to be significantly less than
100% per process.

Looking at this a bit more, a couple of perhaps more serious problems:

* The parallel invocations of __prepstrip_one are all appending to

I don't see what makes that safe against interleaving of the output.

Line-buffering and the line being shorter than the buffer should.

and what causes line-buffering be on?

It's probably possible to have each instance write to a separate file
and collect them together in __prepdebugsrc

Nah, if you insist on making it _really_ safe regardless of line lenght
and buffer size vagaries I'll do file locking on the output file.

If you lock the file while objdump is running, you've basically serialized this again...

* This patch causes several failures in the testsuite, e.g. with
   autotools/c testcase.

The full list of failing tests is:

21/54 autotools/c             FAIL            63.16s   exit status 1
22/54 autotools/gnome         FAIL           170.49s   exit status 1
23/54 autotools/gtkmm         FAIL           177.54s   exit status 1
24/54 autotools/mate          FAIL           131.24s   exit status 1
25/54 autotools/xfce          FAIL            85.64s   exit status 1
26/54 cmake/c                 FAIL            13.75s   exit status 1
28/54 cmake/qt5               FAIL            94.44s   exit status 1
37/54 lua/all                 FAIL            10.92s   exit status 1
38/54 httpd/apxs              FAIL            31.98s   exit status 1
44/54 perl/Module-Build       FAIL            16.09s   exit status 1
46/54 php/pecl                FAIL            48.13s   exit status 1
49/54 qmake/qt5               FAIL            46.84s   exit status 1

On a brief attempt at debugging, it this looks like it's due to not
waiting for all the __prepstrip_one to complete before moving on, but
I think the final wait should prevent that, so idk.

I've seen an indication that the final wait doesn't work, but that is
fixable by a sleep apparently.  Did You see that the process number
limiting doesn't work?

No, but I haven't been trying to test it.

I'm not clear that invoking 'jobs', is actually doing anything, if
job-control is turned off in a non-interactive shell?

No, "jobs" shouldn't do anything, but wait should still work I think
(the manpage talks about jobs, but it really means "children").  But
then again, a bit of googling tells me that the bashism "wait -n"
actually needs job control to be enabled, natch.

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