On 5/3/2023 8:19 AM, Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps wrote:
I wonder if those obsoleted packages are confusing setup.  In a new Cygwin installation, choosing only the base packages and cygport, setup wants to install perl-Test-Harness (and therefore perl 5.32).

I just tried a second experiment (with a new installation). I chose base plus perl-Test-Harness. Setup didn't report any problems; it simply added perl 5.32, and I let it complete the installation. I then ran setup again, and the Pending view of the Select Packages page showed perl being upgraded to 5.36 and perl-Test-Harness being uninstalled.

So setup ended up doing the right thing with respect to the obsolete package, but it needed two passes.

Finally, I reran setup and chose cygport for installation. This went through without a hitch.


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