Hi all,

I am a Newbee to the X11 System (ok i can  configure an compiled it) but,
the Steps for Remote Working (like an ICA Metraframe Client) for
Cygwin/Xfree86 is
not really easy.

In Think i have two choices:

Remoteauthentication via the Remote Dektopmanager Control Protocol,
(But Everyon tells me it is complex an still unsecure?)

Using the "sure" way over an OpenBSD SSH-Shell
(thins is the actually configuration, but not a Release Candidate.

The SSH way works fine, but the Problem is the Logon Interface (Bash shell)
add xhost, DISPLAY=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:0.0; export DISPLAY startkde (catch an

Wow! My Boss is killing me for this nasty Way.

Ok, iam a Programmer, and i think (write a little Windows Application for
Logon to
the X-Remote Server (but still the non-interactive SSH Shell is bugging me.

(I have read from "empty Keyphrase Trick"???)

Ok Guys, what the best and fastest Way (non commercial, Software must be

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