Hi all,

The Implementation of my Cygwin Logon Programm works fine,
but the Workarraound with SAMBA (Singlesign on is not the real Deal)
has any One an Idea?

I want to try an Implementaton of SSH2 Protokoll to my Client to make
the Authentication to my X-Server (via SSH witout the Cygwin Bash)

I dont want (like commercial StarWin implementation use th "insecure XPDM"

Note: I tryin to register my Project on Sourceforge.org to make it common
avaiable under the GPL. (searchname: xnet)

> On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 8:34 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > I have handled the Problem with ssh-keygen -t dsa to bake up an Key-pair
> > and distribute it to the X-Server and Cygwin Client.
> Do these keys have passphrases?  If yes, then how is it different to
> for a password.  If no, then how have you made the system secure?
> I am interested in the development of this idea, but would be very
> about the use of passphrase-less keys.
> Rasjid.

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