Have you tested the new X webapge?
Specifically, have you tested the X-windows

I tried the download & install.  All I got was the
non-X-windows Cygwin.  I then re-installed from
the cygwin/X page selecting 'install' for ALL the
pacakges.  I got a few 'dll not found' messages
during the install.  When finished, I could not
find any files whose names contained 'xstart',
starx or 'xfree' either via WIn2K File Search, or
via Cygwin's locate command.

Also, the "X Window System" link does not work,
and there is no avenue to report these problems.

I am trying to access Linux XFree86 from my Win2K
system (without using VNC or XWin32). I had hoped that
cygwin/X could handle this.  However, I cannot even install
it.  Both of your "Install" links go to the cygwin.com home
page. Can you direct me to documentation that will instruct
me on installation of a form that will allow me to run an
X-Client from Win2K?  Thanks.

Kindest Regards,
Don V Black

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