Harold -

Thanks for the reply.

The part I do not understand is here, in step 16:

"16. You must select the XFree86-base package, which is located in the XFree86 category.
The XFree86-base package is a helper package that automatically selects a working set
of packages for you that will allow Cygwin/X to work. You may also want to ensure that
the inetutils and openssh packages are selected if you wish to use telnet and ssh to
connect to remote machines."

Can anybody answer this simple question...

How do I "select" the XFree86-base package? Entirely by accident, I toggled the
XFree86 entry so that it displayed "install". So I then ensured that all the sub-entries
were likewise set to "install". Following the "installation complete" message, there are
still no file names on my harddisk containing 'xfree' or 'startx'. Apparently I did not
properly perform the "select" operation (or "grab" as you mention, below).

Can you please elaborate on step 16.

Thanks again,
- Don

At 11:03 PM 12/30/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Here are installation and use instructions:


Don V Black wrote:
Have you tested the new X webapge?
Specifically, have you tested the X-windows

Of course.

I tried the download & install.  All I got was the
non-X-windows Cygwin.  I then re-installed from
the cygwin/X page selecting 'install' for ALL the
pacakges.  I got a few 'dll not found' messages
during the install.  When finished, I could not
find any files whose names contained 'xstart',
starx or 'xfree' either via WIn2K File Search, or
via Cygwin's locate command.

You must have missed this line:

Whether or not you already have Cygwin installed, you can add Cygwin/X to your installation by downloading the latest setup.exe, running setup, and selecting the 'XFree86-base' package from the 'XFree86' category.

Tons of irrelevant information was removed from the Cygwin/X home page to make the installation information more readily visible. I don't think we have had a report of the home page being confusing in over a year.

Also, the "X Window System" link does not work,
and there is no avenue to report these problems.

Thanks. That just needs to be www.x.org. I'll fix it later.

I am trying to access Linux XFree86 from my Win2K
system (without using VNC or XWin32). I had hoped that
cygwin/X could handle this.  However, I cannot even install
it.  Both of your "Install" links go to the cygwin.com home
page. Can you direct me to documentation that will instruct
me on installation of a form that will allow me to run an
X-Client from Win2K?  Thanks.

No, both of the install links go to http://cygwin.com/setup.exe, which is the installation program. The text in the page clearly says to grab the XFree86-base package, which will select all dependent packages.

There are two ways to access remote machines, via XDMCP or via ssh, both of which are documented for Cygwin/X in the User's Guide:


There is also a sample startup file to be used for XDMCP connections:


I hope this helps,


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