Deinstall the entire Cygwin installation, and
re-install Cygwin/X, as follows:

1) In the Select Packages panel (# 16 in the doc)
    Click On "Default" of "+All  .. Default" until
    Uninstall appears.
2) Click On the Next button, and proceed with the
3) Delete the contents of the directory that contained
    Cygwin (e.g. /Programs Files/Cygwin)

4) Restart the Setup.exe process.
5) In the Select Packages panel (# 16 in the doc)
    Click On "Default" of "+XFree866  .. Default" until
    Install appears.
6) Click On the Next button, and proceed with the

The Cygwin/X documentation should now work.


At 07:12 AM 12/31/2003 -0800, you wrote:
Hi Folks -

Thanks in advance for any help.

While installing (uninstall then install Xfree86 packages in Win2K) I get the error:

"mkshortcut.exe - Unable to Locate DLL

The dynamic link library cygopt-0.dll could not be found in the specified path
D:\Win2KPro\cygwin\bin;D:\WINNT\system32;D:\WINNT\system;D:\WINNT;D:\Win2KPro\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin;D:\Win2KPro\cygwin\bin;D:\Win2KPro\cygwin\bin;D:\Win2KPro\cygwin\bin\D:\Win2KPro\cygwin\bin;[ ]y,[ ]."

while in the "/etc/postinstall/" step.

1) D:\Win2KPro is my 'program files' directory (its a dual boot),
    D:\WINNT is my Win2K (Win5.0) directory.
2) Note how cygwin\bin is repeated 5 times in the path.
    BTW, I have repeated this installation many times (maybe 5?)
3) The "[ ]" in "[ ]y,[ ]" of the path represent the DOS-BIOS square
    graphics character, and I have no clue as to where it came from.
    It could be from other installations?

The message reappeared more than 30 times during the install
(I counted my clicks on the OK button).

A "cygwin-XFree86" entry has been installed in my Win2K start menu,
but the 5 sub-menus (editors, ... toys) are empty.

I am not convinced that the installation was complete or correct.

I have attempted to invoke as specified in Chapter 4
of the Cygwin/X documentation.  I receive the error message:

"xterm.exe - Unable to Locatte DLL
The dynamic link library cygcygipc-2.dll could not be found in the specified path
.... path information similar to above ...

Received the same information with "XWin.exe..."

Thanks in advance for any help.

- Don

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