On Mon, 10 May 2004, Antony Baxter wrote:

> >> However, I failed to get Windows Bitmap Fonts (
> .fon
> >> files ) working in 
> >> the same way. As I understand it, FreeType 2 should
> >> support these ok; I 
> >> symlinked /mnt/win.../*.fon into my ~/.fonts dir,
> ran
> >> fc-cache, tried 
> >> e.g xterm -fa "Small Fonts", but everything
> appeared
> >> as white-on-white. 
> >> I tried setting the foreground color, background
> >> color, etc, but nothing 
> >> ever appears except the cursor. Anyone else seen
> this?
> >> I'm not currently 
> >> able to try this under on another setup, so could
> >> easily be my screw up.
> > 
> > Are the *.fon fonts listed with fc-list?
> Yes - all listed, eg:
> Small Fonts:style=Regular
> and it doesn't use the default font that would appear
> when the -fa 
> "fontname" is a fontname that doesn't appear in the
> list (at least I 
> assume it doesn't - I picked "Small Fonts" as my
> example as with a fixed 
> geometry setting in my .Xdefaults, the xterm is
> smaller than with a 
> larger font). Also, selecting from the xterm and
> pasting elsewhere works 
> fine:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (~) % pwd
> /home/antony
> Its just the colo(u)r thats wrong - my .Xdefaults has:
> xterm*Background:     black
> xterm*Foreground:     DarkSeaGreen
> xterm*cursorColor:    DarkSeaGreen
> but the xterm appears black-on-black with a
> DarkSeaGreen cursor. 
> Removing my .Xdefaults file gives white-on-white with
> a black cursor. 
> I've also tried removing my .bashrc in case it was a
> problem with prompt 
> colorisation or something like that; exactly the same
> problem.
> Interestingly, mlterm shows the same phenomenon -
> works fine in with 
> truetype fonts, black-on-black with .fon fonts.

Same for me. This seems to be a generic FreeType or Xft 
problem. I've cc'ed the xorg mailinglist.

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