On Mon, 10 May 2004, Antony Baxter wrote:

> However, I failed to get Windows Bitmap Fonts ( .fon
> files ) working in 
> the same way. As I understand it, FreeType 2 should
> support these ok; I 
> symlinked /mnt/win.../*.fon into my ~/.fonts dir, ran
> fc-cache, tried 
> e.g xterm -fa "Small Fonts", but everything appeared
> as white-on-white. 
> I tried setting the foreground color, background
> color, etc, but nothing 
> ever appears except the cursor. Anyone else seen this?
> I'm not currently 
> able to try this under on another setup, so could
> easily be my screw up.

Are the *.fon fonts listed with fc-list?

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