At 10:25 AM 4/18/2002, George Hester wrote:
>The last time I tried the installer I did not like the result.  So now I
>have downloaded all the packages I need evne the docs.  But I see nothing
>about how to install this manually; what environment variables I should set.
>Nothing at all.  All I see is telling me to use the installer.  If I do not
>want to do this does that mean I cannot install Cygwin in Windows 2000?

OK.  I guess you just somehow missed this:

That explains your options.  Installing by a method other that setup is 
not really supported by this list however.  BTW, there are no *required*
settings beyond unpacking the software.  But if you want any of the 
additions that setup gives you, that's another argument for just using 
setup.  Of course, the source for setup is available if you'd just prefer 
to look at it to find out what it does.  But you're right.  There is no
documentation that guides you through a manual install of Cygwin.  It's
assumed that if you don't use setup, you understand enough about what 
you're doing to just do it.  Either that or you're the adventurous type. ;-)
Really, there's really no *magic* to setup though...

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.            
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