On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 10:23:56 -0400 "Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> At 09:45 PM 4/18/2002, Michael A Chase wrote:
> >From: "Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "George Hester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 18:09
> >Subject: Re: Where is the manual to manually install Cygwin in Windiows
> 2000

> > > Really, there's really no *magic* to setup though...
> >
> >There are some mount points that _must_ be created for Cygwin to work
> >reliable 
> I quite disagree with this point.  If it were true, it would be
> impossible 
> to move a Cygwin executable and the DLL to a machine without a Cygwin 
> install and have it work.  This does work in the general case, though 
> there are specific packages for which it won't without additional 
> configuration (like the mount points you mentioned, mount type,
> environment
> variable settings, etc).  But those are limited exceptions to the rule.

Those limited exceptions generate a lot of "Cygwin is broke" messages like when
a version of setup failed to create the /usr/bin and /usr/lib mounts a
couple months ago.

Mac :})
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