On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 09:09:09PM -0400, Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) wrote:
>At 10:25 AM 4/18/2002, George Hester wrote:
>>The last time I tried the installer I did not like the result.  So now
>>I have downloaded all the packages I need evne the docs.  But I see
>>nothing about how to install this manually; what environment variables
>>I should set.  Nothing at all.  All I see is telling me to use the
>>installer.  If I do not want to do this does that mean I cannot install
>>Cygwin in Windows 2000?  Thanks.
>OK.  I guess you just somehow missed this:

Coincidentally enough, I just updated this page today.  I got rid of the
mention of bootstrap.zip since it was out of date.  I also updated the
README in the cygwin download directory, removing some obsolete words
and pointing at the above URL if you want to avoid setup.exe.

The README isn't completely up-to-date now but it is a little better.  I
don't know how many people actually read this README.  Apparently not
very many or we would have had complaints about some of the obsolete


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