On 15 February 2012 13:59, Peter Rosin wrote:
> My Windows is Swedish, but I generally like it to show as little as
> possible in Swedish so my "display language" is English.  I want
> English, to not suffer from strange translations that don't make
> sense, to be able to search for error messages, etc.
> A recent change seems to have LANG set to the output of the system
> default language, but I think that's just wrong, it should be the
> language of the current user.
> Please change lang.{c}sh to do "locale -uU" instead of "locale -sU".

I agree.

> Where is the recommended position to override LANG until such a
> change is made, or if it is not an agreeable change?

If you're using the default terminal, i.e. mintty, you can set it on
the Text page of its options.


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