Mike Kaganski skrev 2012-02-16 14:37:
> Then you seem to just mock at the maintainer. It's not too polite. Yes, it 
> would be desirable if this effect (and the proposed steps to fix it for those 
> who already use this package) would be noted in the release advertisement. 
> Yes, sometimes even a maintainer may make mistakes on their maintained stuff. 
> But if you have some objections or proposals, it's better to simply say so to 
> people who devote their time and knowledge to us. And append "thank you" in 
> the end.

Hi Mike,

Look, I was asking honest questions.  I was giving David a chance to
correct himself, in a case where I wasn't completely sure what was right
and wrong, but my gut told me that I was right.  Then you jumped in with
snide remarks that I should "pay attention".  To something that happened
eons ago!  When it was apparent that I already believed the thing I should
pay attention to, and was just questioning something that contradicted it!
Then I had a more thorough look at things and confirmed my gut reaction.
In my eagerness to respond to your snideness I probably misrepresented
things so that it seemed like I knew from the start what was going on.

So, David, I apologize if I have offended you and it is perhaps best if
everybody just forgets everything that has happened in this thread since
Mike appeared in it.


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