16.02.2012 21:11, Peter Rosin пишет:
Peter Rosin skrev 2012-02-16 06:52:
David Sastre Medina skrev 2012-02-15 23:14:
The files under /etc/profile.d are sourced by /etc/profile, which sets
system wide settings.
For user-defined values, the place to override a system-wide setting
depends on the shell you're using. E.g., for bash, it would be
~/.bash_profile. Check /etc/skel/.bash_profile. It should include
these lines:

# Set user-defined locale
export LANG=$(locale -uU)

Probably you have a customized ~/.bash_profile, so updating to
base-files-4.0-9 didn't replace it.

Hmmm, ok, that doesn't completely match what I'm seeing in my $HOME, my
.bash_profile *looks* (who am I to tell, it's attached) unmodified from
4.0-6, so just a quick question, what postinstall script is responsible
for moving the updated skel files into $HOME?  I couldn't find any, but
admittedly didn't spend much time looking...
I located base-files-4.0-6.tar.bz2 and my copy in $HOME is indeed not
modified.  So, your assertion that customization was preventing the
update seems wrong (the date of my .bash_profile is consistent with my
original Cygwin installation date).  I question whether the skel files
are automatically copied to the home directory at any other time than
at home directory creation.  Are they?


PS. I have modified ~/.bashrc and ~/.inputrc, if that is relevant.

/etc/defaults/etc/profile is what creates home directory. When executed for the first time for a user, it outputs to the console:

Copying skeleton files.
These files are for the users to personalise their cygwin experience.

They will never be overwritten nor automatically updated.

Just pay attention to what is told :)

Best regards, Mike.

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