On Feb 23 16:25, Richard Gribble wrote:
> Scott M. Ballew <smb <at> purdue.edu> writes:
> > I'm happy to report that after I dropped this new snapshot in place, my
> > original problem has gone away completely (and I've been clean for a few
> > days, now). In fact, it also made it so that I could build some software
> > from sources (make and gcc were failing variously with the same type of
> > error messages). So as of now, I am a very happy camper!
> > [...]
> I downloaded the source today (23 Feb 2012) and have the error(s) as follows:

What source?

>       2 [main] sh 10184 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed by 
> 'cygicon
> v-2.dll' (0x674C0000) is already occupied
>       5 [main] sh 4640 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed by 
> 'cygiconv
> -2.dll' (0x674C0000) is already occupied
>       5 [main] sh 1264 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed by 
> 'cygiconv
> -2.dll' (0x674C0000) is already occupied
>       5 [main] sh 8072 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed by 
> 'cygiconv
> -2.dll' (0x674C0000) is already occupied
>       5 [main] sh 8276 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed by 
> 'cygiconv
> -2.dll' (0x674C0000) is already occupied
> I think those are the same errors in the rest of the thread - so how do I go
> about getting the snapshot so I can be a happy camper too?  (I'm working on a
> problem where I cannot use co to checkout rcs on a network drive.)



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